Work on your own projects during our Open Studio time

Find what you LOVE to do. Explore different mediums!

Some of us are lifelong artists honing our skills. Some are beginning a new hobby, while others simply enjoy the films, exhibits and artist demonstrations. Whatever your experience, we welcome you to share our common bond in love and appreciation of art. New and prospective members are invited to volunteer and attend monthly general membership meetings.
Check Quick Links: Blogs for Artist Interviews and Instructional Videos.
RAA has two wonderful art studio spaces. Studio 1 is the larger room, and is the room where we present the Art Demonstrations on many 1st Wednesdays of the month, 1pm-3pm. There is a short hospitality break at the middle or end of the Demonstration in the back of Studio 1, where we serve snacks and drinks. Check the website calendar for event listings.
Studio 2 is a smaller studio. Studio 2 is used for smaller classes and for when we have a live model for figure drawing or painting.
We have available for use in the studios:
• Tables and adjustable height Tables
• Chairs and Stools
• Easels and Table Easels
• Light tables
• Mat cutter and Paper Cutters
• Sinks in both studio areas
• Restroom
We have art books that can be borrowed by filling out a line on the clipboard in Studio 2.
We have open studio hours every day of the week. If a class is in session, please do not disturb the class. Check the Calendar for Open Studio times.
In Studio 1, you may use non-aromatic, non-volatile solvents for oil painting. Our printing class is located in Studio 1, where the printing press is located. You must be in a printmaking class to use the press. Other medium are welcome as space allows. This is the studio where Art Demonstrations happen on many first Wednesdays of the month.
In Studio 2 users are asked to not use solvents other than those that are Non- odorous, non-volatile. Think Walnut Oil. We want to provide a space that is free from solvents that may effect other artists. Acrylic paints, Oil Paints without thinners besides natural oils, pencils, pastels, water soluble oils and water colors are welcome! We have art books to peruse or check out in Studio 2.
Art is fun and challenging, relaxing and exciting. We grow together with better understanding as we pursue our art whether in a class or open studio, soiree or demonstration.Our programs would not exist without Volunteers.
Please look at our volunteer form and volunteer online. We will get back to you, eager for your help and comradery.
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