
Beginning with Color and Friday Morning Acrylic Class_ Marcy Wheeler_ 9:30am-12pm_ Starting February 16_6 weeks

Beginning with Color and Acrylics with Marcy Wheeler

Fridays 9:30-Noon. Studio 2

February 16 to March 22, 2024

6 classes  $120 Members__ $140 Non-members

Beginners: This six-week session of Marcy Wheeler’s Friday Morning Class is focused on showing beginners how to mix colors and play with acrylic paints. The beginners will work in the heart of the class together and will be greeted with fun projects to teach them the ins and outs of color and acrylic paints. Beginners Materials Fee is $50.00 paid by check or cash to Marcy Wheeler on 1st class meeting. You get to keep the wonderful Golden Paints (5 tubes) and several new and used brushes.

Ongoing Students continue on their road as “not quite” beginners, intermediate, and advanced painters, and will be cheering beginners on! Learning continues with gentle guidance from Marcy and each other, as usual. We often share our work at the end of the class and learn more about our own work from the other class members. If you are an ongoing student, you are in charge of your own material purchases.

Any Student may make up a missed class in Marcy’s Thursday afternoon class in Studio 2.  A student may also make up a class at her private studio on Boulevard Way, Thursday mornings 9:30 to 12, with advance notice. Contact Marcy at 925 787-9159.


Marcy Wheeler, Instructor

I did my first oil painting when I was thirteen…Received a BFA in Painting at the University of Illinois…became a baker…switched from oils to acrylics when my kids were toddling…started teaching 25 years ago...like resting in a comfy chair…like wearing a straw hat…like being by a creek…love painting. I also love working with painters who want to learn more, expanding their tool bag and art vision. All the while, having a bit of fun and getting to know each other.