
Paintbox Pursuits in Acrylics & Oils_ Anna George_  Tuesday _ May 14 – July 2  _  1 – 4:00pm _ Studio 1  

Paintbox Pursuits in Acrylics & Oils 

Tuesday afternoons   1 – 4:00pm  May 14 – July 2  8 weeks

Studio 1


Max spaces 16

Join us in our newly renovated studios with wonderful ambient daylight. Open your paintbox and let new ideas take shape using acrylics or oils. You’ll get constant support at your easel, where you’ll paint what you love. Whether you’re a beginner or hold an MFA, we all take a fresh looks at key painting fundamentals, and we have fun.

A brand-new artist? Are you starting a new painting or revisiting a piece? Take steps to develop your individual style; go abstract or representational. As you move through painting stages, you’ll have learned ways to skirt common pitfalls.

I enjoy offering demonstrations, handouts, exercises, and one-on-one work, and help you construct good sequencing in the painting process. I value class members’ requests– to address light, composition, values, atmospheric perspective, form, color mixing, texture, mediums, and such. I’m happy to oblige.

Connect the dots of composition, color partnering, maybe try your hand at special techniques. Every painting is an experiment and we’re all learning. I’m there as your guide. Choose source material that motivates and moves you. Come with 8×10 photographs. You’ll find a good bit of support and sharing from neighboring painters. We go at our own pace, focus, and find ourselves laughing and making it a great afternoon.

Having been an artist for decades, I grew to be a self-supporting one, and now I bring the extent of that experience to paintbox sessions. In my twelve years teaching here I’ve witnessed a lot of student success and feel very proud. We encourage each other, and in our closing class we hold our own little art festival, showing all, including pieces in progress. We complement that with scrumptious bites.

I invite beginners to get in touch for a materials list plus guidance choosing good quality. Call 925 783 9000. Register by first becoming an RAA member ($10) and then enroll. Best to do this well ahead of the start date as classes fill up.

These days I continue showing some abstract and representational work and offer my painted silkwear here in November. I recently organized the arts2abundance club so that more artists’ work gets out there. See my pieces locally and at annageorgeartist.com and annageorgeonline.com. Ask about a current solo show nearby. Welcome to our Tuesday afternoon paintbox pursuits–see you in the warm and bright light we’ve been looking forward to!




Anna George, Instructor

Anna studied fine art in two east coast colleges and universities and has exhibited since. After founding a gallery in San Francisco, and garnering awards, she opened a big, bright studio on the Berkeley, Oakland border which housed a showroom of her multi-styled work. A decade later she moved a bit east where she has offered classes year-round for over eleven years at two venues. "I love witnessing our kinship as well as the growth and diversity of work emerging in the class," she says. "Each student moves in the direction they choose." In 2013 Anna launched and began hosting the RAA evening Soirées des Artistes which honors one artist in the community each event. Her current work involves oils and acrylics, canvas, linen, silk and mixed media. Call George at 925 783 9000. See annageorgeartist.com; for unrepeatable painted silkwear, annageorgeonline.com. In Anna's words, "In art there is heart."