
WATERCOLORS When Less Is More_ Anna George_ Fridays 1-4pm _Jan 5 – Feb 23_ Studio 2

“WATERCOLORS When Less Is More”
Friday 1-4pm
Jan    5   –   Feb   23
8 weeks
Studio 2
If you’ve ever thought to try watercolors or pick up where you left off, and wish for personal attention as you paint, this  class for you. At the outset we will pursue an understanding of materials and tools in order to develop strokes and washes. Using simple shapes and techniques to learn how the brush loads and carries water and pigments, we’ll be feeling the difference of “less is more”. Students will be able to complete a number of studies and paintings in this eight-week series.
Years ago I did a thesis on watercolor. I then traveled for a year outside the US. The images I brought home were watercolor only, no camera at all. This was my medium for decades. Recently my watercolor work has been on silk as well as cold-pressed Arches paper. I will include a silk demo to introduce the silk superflow, and students can opt to give it a try. 
Yes, watercolor painting can be simple, fun, and elegant. Join the RAA for $10, then register for the class.  Quality ingredients make all the difference. Winsor & Newton Pro, Daniel Smith, Schminke. One can start with a handful of select pigments and brushes, plus Arches cold-pressed papers. Call me for extra details (925) 783 9000. Welcome aboard, see you in the bright and shiny new year! 

Anna George, Instructor

Anna studied fine art in two east coast colleges and universities and has exhibited since. After founding a gallery in San Francisco, and garnering awards, she opened a big, bright studio on the Berkeley, Oakland border which housed a showroom of her multi-styled work. A decade later she moved a bit east where she has offered classes year-round for over eleven years at two venues. "I love witnessing our kinship as well as the growth and diversity of work emerging in the class," she says. "Each student moves in the direction they choose." In 2013 Anna launched and began hosting the RAA evening Soirées des Artistes which honors one artist in the community each event. Her current work involves oils and acrylics, canvas, linen, silk and mixed media. Call George at 925 783 9000. See annageorgeartist.com; for unrepeatable painted silkwear, annageorgeonline.com. In Anna's words, "In art there is heart."