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Beginning with Color (and Acrylics) with Marcy Wheeler __Fridays 9:30-Noon __Studio 2__ November 10 – December 22 __6 classes

Gateway Art Studio 1 1001 Golden Rain Road, Walnut Creek, CA

Beginning with Color (and Acrylics) with Marcy Wheeler Fridays 9:30-Noon. Studio 2 November 10 – December 22 6 classes  $120 Members__ $140 Non-members Beginners: This six-week session of Marcy Wheeler’s Friday Morning Class is focused on showing absolute beginners how to mix colors and play...

Landscapes from Photographs with Carol Tarzier__starting Nov 3rd, Fridays 12:30-4:30__Studio 1

Gateway Art Studio 1 1001 Golden Rain Road, Walnut Creek, CA

Landscapes from Photographs with Carol Tarzier November 3rd through December 15th, skipping the Friday of Thanksgiving week Located in Studio One __6 Classes Fridays 12:30 - 4:30 “Landscapes from Photographs” is about using photographs to create fresh and lively landscapes with the energy and color...