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Beginning/Intermediate Watercolor Painting with Ronald Pratt _March 21st to May 23th_ Thursdays _9:30am to 11am_ Studio 1

Gateway Art Studio 1 1001 Golden Rain Road, Walnut Creek, CA

Beginning/Intermediate Watercolor Painting with Ronald Pratt Spring 2024  3/21-5/23 10 classes, Thursdays Gateway Complex, Painting Studio 1  When new growth starts to appear on the flowers and trees and the fading winter rains have left the hills and meadows a bright green, I know spring...

Intermediate/Advanced Watercolor Painting with Ron Pratt _ March 21st to May 23rd_ Thursdays_ 12:30pm-3pm _ Studio1

Gateway Art Studio 1 1001 Golden Rain Road, Walnut Creek, CA

  Intermediate/Advanced Watercolor Painting Spring 2024 Ronald Pratt Gateway Complex, Painting Studio 1 Regardless of your choice of favorite subjects to paint, springtime offers up a great bounty of visual inspiration to motivate the artist. The creative juices just seem to flow more when we...