“En Plein Aire” Painting Outdoors
November 6 – 27, Mondays 10:00-12:30
The plein air class taught by Afsaneh Michaels at Rossmoor Art Association (RAA) meets outdoors in various locations around Rossmoor. Artists will paint directly onto canvas or paper using a medium of their choice (students must be comfortable and familiar with their own medium). Students will learn how to frame a painting from an outdoor scene, how to capture shadows, how to paint trees, architecture, water, light, color and other landscape elements. Though course will be held outdoors, in bad weather we will move inside into studio 1.
Teacher: Afsaneh Michaels, AfsanehAm@gmail.com
Mondays: 10:00-12:30
Cost: $120.00, non-residents $140.00
Place: To be announced by email by instructor
Materials: Your medium of choice and setup (including an outdoor easel and a view finder) for more in formation please email the instructor
Number of Students: 10
“En Plein Aire” Painting Outdoors with Afsaneh Michaels __ Nov 6 -27 __ Mondays 10:00-12:30
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