Carol Tarzier
Oil Painting Tools & Supplies
Supplies are suggested. If you cannot get supplies for the first class, bring in the closest match you have. If you want to use alternate supplies, it’s OK!
Turpenoid Natural or brush cleaner in Silicoil brush washing container.
Gamsol odorless thinner in small container for medium
Medium – M. Graham walnut alkyd medium or M. Graham Walnut Oil
Oil paint colors. Here is a suggested palette. I use M. Graham paint which is made with walnut oil thus less toxic, and is excellent and inexpensive. M. Graham is available online at Blick or Amazon.
Cool red – Alizarin crimson or Cad Red Deep or Anthraquinone Red or Maroon Perylene
Warm red – Cadmium Red Light or Cad Red Medium or Azo Coral
Cool yellow – Cadmium yellow light
Warm or medium yellow – Cadmium Yellow Medium
Transparent yellow – Indian Yellow
Violet or red leaning blue – Ultramarine blue or Anthraquinone Blue
Warm or medium blue – Cerulean blue, Manganese, Thalo Blue Red Shade
Titanium white
Canvases or canvas-coated panels. Internet suppliers – Source-Tek or Raymar or Centurion panels, any size from 6”x6” to 11”x14’ or canvases from Michaels or Blick
Brushes – I order from Rosemary & Co, UK,
Rosemary & Co has a large assortment, this is a suggested list.
Ivory series Long Flats #4, 8, 14, Daggers 3/8”, ½”, and ivory fans
Or Shiraz or Evergreen series long flats #4, 8, 12, daggers 3/8”, ½”, two shiraz fans
Sable angle brushes or sable long flats
Bristle brushes – long filberts or Egberts
If you are buying local – two long flats one smaller one at least 1” wide, and a couple of filberts. Watercolor brushes work well for oil painting.
Paper or glass or plastic palette.
Your plein air easel or Pochade box easel if you prefer your own. The studio has table easels.
Color wheel
Hand mirror
Sketch pad – any size from 5” by 7” on up
Charcoal pencil or graphite pencil
Roll of paper towels, soft (Viva or blue auto paper towels from Costco)
Isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the palette and brush handles
Viewfinder – I use The Color Wheel Company 7002 View Catcher from Amazon.
Reading List
Daily Painting, Carol Marine
Fruit Flowers Flora and Food (Oil/Acrylic) _Carol Tarzier_Fridays _12:30 – 4:30 _ Friday_ Jan 10th – March 14th
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