
RAA Club Policies

The use of the RAA name, space, equipment, or other assets is guided by board-approved policies.

Use of RAA space is for-
a.     Social events
b.     Demonstrations and movies
c.     Classes and Workshops

1.     Teachers may have up to two weekly classes in studio 1 or 2.

2.     Workshops are defined as a class for one to two consecutive days on a weekend. If 3 days are needed, Friday can be used if space is available. Workshops are at the judgment of the Education Chair.

3.     Mondays are reserved for an open studio in studio 2. Also any time classes are not scheduled is an open studio.

4.      Classes and membership dues should be paid for on the RAA website.

5.      Non-resident fees are set by the Board.  Currently, those fees are $20.00 more than resident fees.

6.     The Education Chair coordinates all class schedules. Class requests must be presented to the Education Chair by teachers.

  • If a class has been running consecutively (excepting vacations), and has an appropriate number of students, then, priority will be given to that teacher.
  • Priority is given to teachers who give details for proposed classes at least four weeks before class start date so that it can be posted online, in the newspaper and in an email blast.
  • New classes that enhance our class lineup are preferred to those that duplicate existing classes.
  • Time will be allowed for cleaning up between classes.
  • At the discretion of the Education Chair, a class with low enrollment can be discontinued.
  • Teachers should not accept additional enrollment in classrooms that are too small for the projected number of students without gaining approval for use of the larger room.
  • All class publicity must go to the RAA Education Chair then to the Publicity Chair. Other publicity must go directly to the Publicity Chair.
  • Individual members may create artwork that is sold but studios are not to be used for business purposes such as mass production and retail sales.
  • Small classes in Studio 1 (four or less) may allow open studio artists at the discretion of the teacher.
  • Teachers may ask open-studio painters to follow class procedures.
  • Solvents may not be in either studio. Oils such as Gamblin Gamsol Oil should be used.